Package: gcc-4.9-base
Version: 4.9.2-10

Debian bug 770025 added a "Breaks: gcc-4.7-base (< 4.7.3)" header to gcc-4.9, because it was found in bug 736607 (which relates to gcc-4.8) that the package manager would sometimes leave the system with an older-release version of gcc instead of using the version from Jessie (4.7.3 and up).

However, then Debian bug 765379 came around and gcc 4.7 was completely removed from Jessie.

As a result it is now impossible to keep gcc 4.7 installed on a Jessie system when upgrading from an earlier release, or to install the package from an older release, even though absolutely nothing would actually break as a result of this.

Since the original problem posed in bug 770025 (of the package manager failing to update gcc-4.7) has been fixed, I believe the "Breaks: gcc-4.7-base (<4.7.3)" clause should be removed from gcc-4.9 (and probably from gcc-4.8, too).

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