Holger Levsen:
> Hi Ximin,
> On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 02:08:45PM +0200, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Many software packages (e.g. see #833846) like to set optimisation flags 
>> based
>> on autodetecting CPU features of the build machine.
> do you really say/think that *many* packages in *Debian* have that
> behaviour? I'd not be surprised about *a few*, but many??!?
> and, do you know a way we could automatically detect/scan for those to
> file bugs? Those are all serious bugsā€¦

I was exaggerating sorry. "some" would match better what I saw myself directly.

As for detection, we could get lintian to scan binary packages' pkg-config 
files and perhaps other code-looking files (i.e. not documentation) for 
"-march" and "-mcpu" and "-mtune" but this doesn't cover all cases.

We could also do the same for build logs.

We could also objdump -S binaries and check if they contain illegal 
instructions. For example that's how I detected the presence of AVX/FMA/SSE4 in 
linbox, e.g:

$ objdump -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblinbox.so | grep '\b\(ymm\|zmm\|vfm\)'

but I don't know binary to enough detail to suggest a full set of illegal 
instructions to search for.


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