Source: gcc-9, libalien-wxwidgets-perl
Control: found -1 gcc-9/9.3.0-12
Control: found -1 libalien-wxwidgets-perl/0.69+dfsg-2
Severity: serious
Tags: sid bullseye
Usertags: breaks needs-update

Dear maintainer(s),

[This looks very similar to bug #960212 which will be a duplicate if
really gcc-9 is at fault here.]

With a recent upload of gcc-9 the autopkgtest of libalien-wxwidgets-perl
fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run with the binary packages
of gcc-9 from unstable. It passes when run with only packages from
testing. In tabular form:

                        pass            fail
gcc-9                   from testing    9.3.0-12
libalien-wxwidgets-perl from testing    0.69+dfsg-2
all others              from testing    from testing

I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.

Currently this regression is blocking the migration of gcc-9 to testing
[1]. Due to the nature of this issue, I filed this bug report against
both packages. Can you please investigate the situation and reassign the
bug to the right package?

More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on



autopkgtest [05:08:43]: test autodep8-perl:
/usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runner runtime-deps
autopkgtest [05:08:43]: test autodep8-perl: [-----------------------

#   Failed test ' /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1 exited
#   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 106.

#   Failed test ' /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1
produced no (non-whitelisted) output'
#   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 108.

#   Failed test 'env PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1  /usr/bin/perl -w
-M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1 exited successfully'
#   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 106.

#   Failed test 'env PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1  /usr/bin/perl -w
-M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1 produced no (non-whitelisted) output'
#   at /usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t line 108.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.
/usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t ..
# Can't exec "gcc": No such file or directory at
/usr/share/perl/5.30/ExtUtils/CBuilder/ line 342.
# ATTENTION: It apperars 'gcc' is not a working compiler, please make
# sure all necessary packages are installed.
# Searching configuration for:
# wxWidgets (any version) for (any toolkit); compiler compatibility: nc
(any version);
# Available configurations:
# wxWidgets 3.000004 for gtk; compiler compatibility: gcc 3.4; options:
no debug, unicode, no mslu
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
not ok 1 -  /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1 exited
not ok 2 -  /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets" -e 1 2>&1 produced no
(non-whitelisted) output
# Can't exec "gcc": No such file or directory at
/usr/share/perl/5.30/ExtUtils/CBuilder/ line 342.
# ATTENTION: It apperars 'gcc' is not a working compiler, please make
# sure all necessary packages are installed.
# Searching configuration for:
# wxWidgets (any version) for (any toolkit); compiler compatibility: nc
(any version);
# Available configurations:
# wxWidgets 3.000004 for gtk; compiler compatibility: gcc 3.4; options:
no debug, unicode, no mslu
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
not ok 3 - env PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1  /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets"
-e 1 2>&1 exited successfully
not ok 4 - env PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1  /usr/bin/perl -w -M"Alien::wxWidgets"
-e 1 2>&1 produced no (non-whitelisted) output
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/4 subtests

Test Summary Report
/usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runtime-deps.d/use.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests:
4 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  1-4
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=1, Tests=4, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  0.36 cusr
0.07 csys =  0.46 CPU)
Result: FAIL

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