
On Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:10:16 +0200 Helmut Grohne <hel...@subdivi.de> wrote:
Which gcc builds should emit -for-host packages?
I have added this patch to rebootstrap now and it has generally improved bootstrapping. In particular, gcc-N-for-host is practically coinstallable.
I find your reasoning convincing and had a look at the patch. The patch also looks reasonably sane to me. There is a typo near the end ("disbaled" instead of "disabled"), which does not influence runtime behavior because the variable is only checked for equality with "yes".

Moving build logic to binary-forhost.mk gets rid of quite a lot of code duplication (the do_for_host_package macro becomes the authoritative source), which I consider a Good Thing. Ultimately, it is the maintainer's judgement call whether they want it like this or would rather change the conditional inclusion logic to have the -for-host package build logic reside with the respective language addon Makefiles.


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