On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 12:25:52AM +0900, GOTO Masanori wrote:
>At Wed, 18 Feb 2004 20:34:07 -0500,
>Joey Hess wrote:
>> Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> >   * Some packages need to have a -common or -doc package split out to
>> >     contain this common data, and the existing packages that need this
>> >     data should then be altered to depend on the new -common or -doc
>> >     package.
>> If you give in to this bug report, please excersise sanity and do not
>> name the resulting package libc6-common. One genuinely useful split
>> would be to move the zoneinfo data (5.4 mb) to its own package, as that
>> is not needed on many small dedicated servers. There is an existing bug
>> asking for that.
>I don't think spliting zoneinfo is useful.
>(1) If zoneinfo is set as "required", then at last we need to install
>    libc6 and zoneinfo on general machine.
>(2) I think even on many small dedicated servers, they need to handle
>    "time".  And if such servers has no need to care for "time", the
>    package system is even meaningless on them.
>So I would like to reject it.  Any comments?

No problem here. The zone info is actually quite small (compressed)
within the .deb, not really big enough to warrant the split I was
(mistakenly) asking for. Sorry for bothering you and thanks for
looking into this.

Joey, where is the existing bug asking for the split? I can't find it
in a quick check through the BTS...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there anybody out there?

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