I quote RFC 1123 Section 2.1 [1] in full:

   2.1  Host Names and Numbers

      The syntax of a legal Internet host name was specified in RFC-952
      [DNS:4].  One aspect of host name syntax is hereby changed: the
      restriction on the first character is relaxed to allow either a
      letter or a digit.  Host software MUST support this more liberal

      Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and
      SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.

      Whenever a user inputs the identity of an Internet host, it SHOULD
      be possible to enter either (1) a host domain name or (2) an IP
      address in dotted-decimal ("#.#.#.#") form.  The host SHOULD check
      the string syntactically for a dotted-decimal number before
      looking it up in the Domain Name System.

           This last requirement is not intended to specify the complete
           syntactic form for entering a dotted-decimal host number;
           that is considered to be a user-interface issue.  For
           example, a dotted-decimal number must be enclosed within
           "[ ]" brackets for SMTP mail (see Section 5.2.17).  This
           notation could be made universal within a host system,
           simplifying the syntactic checking for a dotted-decimal

           If a dotted-decimal number can be entered without such
           identifying delimiters, then a full syntactic check must be
           made, because a segment of a host domain name is now allowed
           to begin with a digit and could legally be entirely numeric
           (see Section  However, a valid host name can never
           have the dotted-decimal form #.#.#.#, since at least the
           highest-level component label will be alphabetic.

In summary,

        if (4==sscanf(user_input, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a,b,c,d)) {
                // Its an dotted quad IP address, do further checks to
                // make sure its valid, eg. if (a<256 && b<256 ...)
        } else {
                // Its a DNS name, and it should supposedly contain some
                // alphabet character [a-z].

Its not entirely clear to me what this means if its not a FQDN.  Eg,
what happens in the example, Debian bug #65041?  Since hostname(1) is
getting a local hostname (short format), I guess it should accept any
alphanumeric character sequence (potentially multiple components,
separated by dots).

The only check needed for DNS names, then, is this:

        If there are exactly 4 '.' characters in user_input, ensure that
        the last component is not entirely numeric.

I don't actually understand where this condition comes from.  Seems
bogus to me: who says 4 levels of DNS names can't all be numeric?

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[1] http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1123.html

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