I fixed this on my machine after upgrading the libc and ldso. The sym
link in /usr/lib for ld.so was pointing to the old /lib/libdl-2.0.7.so
instead of the new /lib/libdl-2.1.2.so, and the old library did not
exist. not sure if it the new compiler package or the new linker that
did it. I'v attached a file that shows the packages I have loaded at the
time of the problem. The system was originally installed from the 2.1 CD

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name            Version        Description
ii  a2ps            4.10.4-4       GNU a2ps 'Anything to PostScript' converter 
ii  acct            6.3.5-4        The GNU Accounting utilities.
ii  adduser         3.8            Add users and groups to the system.
ii  ae              962-21.1       Anthony's Editor -- a tiny full-screen edito
ii  afterstep      A window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and 
ii  alias           2.3-1          Access perl variables through aliases
ii  alien           6.18           Install Red Hat, Stampede, and Slackware Pac
iU  apt             0.3.14         Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  ascd            0.7-3          AfterStep CD player
ii  asmail          0.51-1         AfterStep mail monitor
ii  asmixer         0.5-4          AfterStep audio mixer
ii  asmodem         0.60-2         AfterStep modem monitor
ii  at              3.1.8-4        Delayed job execution and batch processing
ii  autoconf        2.12-13        automatic configure script builder.
ii  automake        1.3-2          A tool for generating GNU Standards-complian
ii  base-files      2.1.0          Debian Base System Miscellaneous Files
ii  base-passwd        Debian Base System Password/Group Files
ii  bash            2.01.1-4.1     The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bc              1.05a-3        An arbitrary precision calculator language.
ii  biff            0.10-1         a mail notification tool
ii  bin86           0.14.3-1       16-bit assembler and loader
ii  binstats        1.00-3         Statistics tool for installed programs
ii  binutils  The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti
ii  bison           1.25-13        A parser generator that is compatible with Y
ii  bonnie          1-3            File System Performance Benchmark
ii  bsdmainutils        More utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite.
ii  bsdutils        Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite.
ii  bug             3.1.7          Bug Reporting Tool interfacing with the Bug 
ii  bzip2           0.9.0c-2       A high-quality block-sorting file compressor
ii  c2man           2.41-10        Graham Stoney's mechanized man page generato
ii  cdda2wav        0.95b3-1       Creates WAV files from audio cd's
ii  cdparanoia      3a9-1          Audio Extraction Tool
ii  cdrdao          1.09-1         Write audio CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode
ii  cdrecord        1.6final-0.2   CD writing tool
ii  cdwrite         2.0-2          CD writing tool for Orange Book CD-R drives
ii  cflow           2.0-12.1       C function call hierarchy analyzer
ii  checker         0.8-21         Memory access debugger for C language develo
ii  cpio            2.4.2-23       GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  cpp         The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  cron            3.0pl1-50      management of regular background processing
ii  cti-ifhp        2.2.8-1        Printer filter for HP LaserJet printers
ii  ctwm            3.5-8          Claude's Tab Window Manager
ii  cutils          1.5.2-4        C source code utilities
ii  cvs             1.9.29-1       Concurrent Versions System -- an RCS extensi
ii  cvs-pcl         1.9.29-1       Concurrent Versions System Emacs extension (
ii  cweb            3.4g-15        Knuth's & Levy's C/C++ programming system.
ii  cweb-latex      1.1.1-8        LaTeX support for CWEB.
ii  cxref           1.4-5          Generates latex and HTML documentation for C
ii  data-dumper     2.09-1         Store and retrieve perl data structures
ii  dc              1.05a-3        An arbitrary precision reverse-polish calcul
ii  ddd             3.0-7          The Data Display Debugger, a graphical front
ii  debhelper       1.1.24         helper programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-policy        Debian Policy Manual and related documents
ii  debianutils     1.10           Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian.
ii  dejagnu         1.3-10         framework for running test suites on softwar
ii  dftp            4.5-1          Alternative Debian package manager
ii  dhelp           0.3.11         online help system
ii  diff            2.7-18         File comparison utilities
ii  diffstat        1.27-1         produces graph of changes introduced by a di
ii  dist            3.70-6         Tools for developing, maintaining and distri
ii  djtools         1.0-4          Tools for HP DeskJet printer.
ii  dnsutils        8.1.2-5        Utilities for querying the DNS
ii  doc-debian      1.9.3          Debian Manual, FAQ and other documents
ii  doc-linux-html  98.09-1        Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in HTML 
ii  doc-linux-text  98.09-1        Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in ASCII
ii  dotfile         2.2-1          dotfile generator
ii  dotfile-emacs   1.2-3          emacs module for dotfile generator
ii  dotfile-fvwm1   1.3-2          fvwm module for dotfile generator
ii  dotfile-fvwm2   1.0b6-5        fvwm2 module for dotfile generator
ii  dpkg         Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
ii  dpkg-dev       Package building tools for Debian Linux
ii  dpkg-ftp        1.4.10         Ftp method for dselect.
ii  dpkg-multicd    0.14           Installation methods for multiple binary CDs
ii  dpkg-repack     0.20           puts an unpacked .deb file back together
ii  dxpc            3.7.0-1.1      a differential X protocol compressor
ii  e2fsprogs       1.12-4         The EXT2 file system utilities and libraries
ii  ed              0.2-17         The classic unix line editor
ii  egcc            2.91.60-5      The GNU (egcs) C compiler.
ii  electric-fence  2.0.5-4        A malloc(3) debugger
ii  elib            1.0-8          Library of commonly-used Emacs functions
ii  elm-me+         2.4pl25ME+48-2 MIME & PGP-aware interactive mail reader [en
ii  elvis-tiny      1.4-7          Tiny vi compatible editor for the base syste
ii  emacs19         19.34-21       The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs19-el      19.34-21       GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
ii  emacs20         20.3-7         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-el      20.3-7         GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
ii  emacsen-common  1.4.8          Common facilities for all emacsen.
ii  eperl           2.2.14-0.2     Embedded Perl 5 Language
ii  eterm           0.8.7-0.4      Enlightened Terminal Emulator (ala xterm) wi
ii  eterm-backgroun 1.0-1          A collection of images for use as Eterm back
ii  exim            2.05-1         Exim Mailer
ii  exim-doc        2.00-1         Exim MTA info documentation
ii  expect5.24      5.28.1-1       A program that "talks" to other programs.
ii  expect5.24-dev  5.28.1-1       Development files for the expect5.24 package
ii  exuberant-ctags 2.3.2-1        Reincarnation of the classic ctags(1): facil
ii  fdflush         1.0.0-12       A disk-flushing program.
ii  fdutils Linux floppy utilities
ii  file            3.26-1         Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  filerunner      2.5-1          X-Based FTP program & file manager
ii  fileutils       3.16-5.3       GNU file management utilities.
ii  findutils       4.1-33         utilities for finding files--find, xargs, an
ii  flex            2.5.4a-3       A fast lexical analyzer generator.
ii  floatbg         1.0-12         slowly modify the color of the X root window
ii  freetype1 The FREE TrueType Font Engine, shared librar
ii  freetype2       1.2-3          The FREE TrueType Font Engine, shared librar
ii  fvwm            1.24r-25.1     F(?) Virtual Window Manager.
ii  fvwm-common     2.0.46-BETA-3  Files shared between the fvwm, fvwm2 and fvw
ii  fvwm2           2.0.46-BETA-3  F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.
ii  fvwm95          2.0.43ba-8     Win95 lookalike Window Manager for X
ii  fvwmconf        0.19-3         Real-time interactive configuration of fvwm2
ii  g++             2.91.60-5      The GNU (egcs) C++ compiler.
ii  gcc         The GNU C compiler.
ii  gdb             4.17-4.m68k.ob The GNU Debugger
ii  gettext         0.10.35-7      GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  ghostview       1.5-19         The GNU PostScript viewer (X11 frontend to G
ii  glibc-doc GNU C Library: Documentation
ii  gmemusage       0.2-4          Displays a graph detailing memory usage of e
ii  gobjc           2.91.60-5      The GNU (egcs) Objective-C compiler.
ii  gpm             1.14-3         General Purpose Mouse Interface
ii  grep            2.2-1          GNU grep, egrep and fgrep.
ii  groff           1.11a-7        GNU troff text-formatting system.
ii  gs              5.10-1         Postscript interpreter with X11 and svgalib 
ii  gsfonts         5.10a-1        Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
ii  guile1.3        1.3-12         Scheme interpreter, and shared libraries for
ii  gv              3.5.8-9        A PostScript and PDF viewer for X using 3d A
ii  gzip            1.2.4-28       The GNU compression utility.
ii  hdparm          3.3-3          Tune hard disk parameters for high performan
ii  hostname        2.04           A utility to set/show the host name or domai
ii  iamerican       3.1.20-0.4     An American English dictionary for ispell.
ii  ibritish        3.1.20-0.4     A British English dictionary for ispell.
ii  icewm           0.9.15-4       A wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window man
ii  imagemagick     4.0.4-3        Image manipulation programs.
ii  imlib-base      1.8.1-1        Common files needed by the Imlib/Gdk-Imlib p
ii  imlib1          1.8.1-1        Imlib is an imaging library for X and X11
ii  indent          1.9.1-18       C language source code formatting program
ii  info            3.12-0.1       Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
ii  isapnptools     1.16-4.1       ISA Plug-And-Play configuration utilities.
ii  ispell          3.1.20-0.4     An interactive spelling corrector
ii  jargon          4.0.0-3        The definitive compendium of hacker slang.
ii  kbd             0.96a-14       Linux console font and keytable utilities.
ii  kbd-data        0.96a-14       Data files for kbd.
ii  kernel-headers- 2.0.36-3       Header files related to a specific Linux ker
ii  kernel-package  6.05           Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.
ii  kernel-source-2 2.0.36-3       Linux kernel source.
ii  ldso            1.9.11-5       The Linux dynamic linker, library and utilit
ii  less            332-4.1        A file pager program, similar to more(1)
ii  lesstifg        0.86.9-2       OSF/Motif implementation released under LGPL
ii  libc5           5.4.46-3       The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  libc6           2.1.2-10       GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone
ii  libc6-dev GNU C Library: Development libraries and hea
ii  libcgi-perl     2.76-7         modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI sc
ii  libcompfaceg1   1989.11.11-16  Compress/decompress images for mailheaders, 
ii  libcompress-zli 1.01-1         Perl module for creation and manipulation of
ii  libcurses-perl  1.02-1         Curses interface for Perl
ii  libdb2          2.4.14-1       The Berkeley database routines (run-time fil
ii  libdelimmatch-p 1.03-1         Perl Module to match delimited substrings
ii  libg++272    The GNU C++ libraries (libc6 version).
ii  libgdbmg1       1.7.3-25       GNU dbm database routines (runtime version).
ii  libgdbmg1-dev   1.7.3-25       GNU dbm database routines (development files
ii  libglib1.1      1.1.3-2        The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgpmg1        1.14-3         General Purpose Mouse Library [libc6]
ii  libgtk-perl     0.3-3          Perl module for the gtk+ library
ii  libgtk1         1.0.6-2        The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.1       1.1.2-2        The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X, unsta
ii  libguile4       1.3-12         `libguile.so.4' shared libraries for Guile1.
ii  libhdf4g        4.1r2-5.1      The Hierarchical Data Format library -- runt
ii  libident        0.21-7         simple RFC1413 client library - runtime
ii  libio-stringy-p 1.203-1        Perl5 modules for IO from scalars and arrays
ii  libjpeg62       6b-1.1         The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime li
ii  libjpegg6a      6a-12          The Independent JPEG Group's jpeg runtime li
ii  liblockdev0-per 0.9a           perl extension library for locking devices.
ii  liblockfile0    0.1-6          Shared library with NFS-safe locking functio
ii  libmagick4g     4.0.4-3        Image manipulation library (free version).
ii  libmd5-perl     1.7-1          MD5 Message Digest for Perl
ii  libmime-base64- 2.05-1         MIME/Base64 decoding for Perl
ii  libmime-perl    4.121-1        Perl5 modules for MIME-compliant messages (M
ii  libmpeg1        1.2.2-4        The MPEG library calls for movie streams
ii  libncurses4     4.2-3          Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncurses4-dev 4.2-3          Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses
ii  libnet-perl     1.0605-1       Implementation of Internet protocols for Per
ii  libpaperg       1.0.3-11       Library for handling paper characteristics [
ii  libpcap0        0.4a6-2        System interface for user-level packet captu
ii  libpcre1        1.09-2         Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expre
ii  libpgperl       6.3.2-15       Perl modules for PostgreSQL.
ii  libpgsql        6.3.2-15       Shared library for PostgreSQL
ii  libpng0g        0.96-5         PNG library - runtime
ii  libpng2         1.0.2b-0.1     PNG library - runtime
ii  libproplist0    0.8.2-1        PropList closely mimics the property lists f
ii  libreadlineg2   2.1-12         GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii  libreadlineg2-d 2.1-12         GNU readline and history libraries, developm
ii  librpm1         2.5.1-6        RPM shared library
ii  libstdc++2.8    2.90.29-2      The GNU stdc++ library (old egcs version)
ii  libstdc++2.9    2.91.61-1      The GNU stdc++ library (egcs version)
ii  libstdc++2.9-de 2.91.60-5      The GNU stdc++ library (development files)
ii  libstdc++2.9-gl 2.91.66-3      The GNU stdc++ library (old egcs version)
ii  libterm-readkey 2.12-2         Change terminal modes, and perform non-block
ii  libtiff3g       3.4beta037-5.1 tiff runtime library [libc6]
ii  libtime-hires-p 1.16-1         High-resolution time manipulation in perl
ii  libtime-period- 1.20-4         Perl library for testing if a time() is in a
ii  libtimedate-per 1.08-1         Time and date functions for perl.
ii  libtool         1.2-3          Generic library support script.
ii  libungif3g      3.0-2          shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
ii  libwraster1     0.20.3-5       Shared libraries of Window Maker rasterizer.
ii  libwww-perl     5.36-1         WWW client/server library for Perl
ii  libxbase-perl   0.0694-1       Perl module to access xbase files (optionall
ii  lilo            21-4           LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can loa
ii  liwc            1.4            Tools for manipulating C source code
ii  loadmeter       1.0-6          attractive X11 load meter
ii  locales GNU C Library: National Language (locale) da
ii  login           980403-0.3     Sign on to the system.
ii  lprng           3.5.2-1.3      lpr/lpd printer spooling system
ii  lprng-doc       3.5.2-2        lpr/lpd printer spooling system
ii  lsof-2.0.35     4.37-3         List open files.
ii  ltrace          0.3.6          A library call tracer
ii  lynx            2.8.1-3        Text-mode WWW Browser
ii  m4              1.4-9          a macro processing language
ii  magicfilter     1.2-28         automatic printer filter.
ii  mailtools       1.11-2         Manipulate email in perl
ii  mailx           8.1.1-10       A simple mail user agent.
ii  make            3.77-4         The GNU version of the "make" utility.
ii  make-doc        3.77-4         Documentation for the GNU version of the "ma
ii  makedev         2.3.1-19       Creates special device files in /dev.
ii  makepatch       1.93-1         generate patch files with more functionality
ii  man-db          2.3.10-68      Display the on-line manual.
ii  manpages        1.22-2         Man pages about using a Linux system.
ii  manpages-dev    1.22-2         Linux-development man pages.
ii  mawk            1.3.3-2        a pattern scanning and text processing langu
ii  mbr             1.0.0-6        Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible com
ii  mc              4.5.1-1.1      Midnight Commander - A powerful file manager
ii  menu            1.5-17         provides update-menus functions for some app
ii  mesag3          3.0-1          A 3-D graphics library which uses the OpenGL
ii  mh              6.8.4-28       Rand mail handling system.
ii  mime-support    3.5-1          MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and sup
ii  mkhybrid        1.12a4.7-3     CD-ROM authoring tool.  Creates CD-ROM files
ii  mkisofs         1.11-2         CD-ROM authoring tool. Creates CD-ROM filesy
ii  mmv             1.01b-7        Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files
ii  modconf         0.2.26         Device Driver Configuration
ii  modutils        2.1.121-18     Linux module utilities.
ii  motifnls        2.1-4          Files needed to run some Motif applications.
ii  mount           2.9g-6         Tools for mounting and manipulating filesyst
ii  mozilla         19981008-0.1   Graphical webbrowser
ii  mpack           1.5-5          Tools for encoding/decoding MIME messages.
ii  mpage           2.5.1pre-2     print multiple pages per sheet on PostScript
ii  mtools          3.9.1-2        Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
ii  multitee        3.0-1          send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
ii  nas-lib         1.2p5-7        The Network Audio System (NAS). (shared libr
ii  ncurses-base    4.2-3          Descriptions of common terminal types
ii  ncurses-bin     4.2-3          Terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  ncurses-term    4.2-3          Additional terminal type definitions
ii  ncurses3.4      1.9.9g-8.11    Video terminal manipulation - shared librari
ii  netbase         3.11-1.2       Basic TCP/IP networking binaries
ii  netstd          3.07-7slink.3  Networking binaries and daemons for Linux
ii  newt0.25        0.25-3         Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
ii  nvi             1.79-9         4.4BSD re-implementation of vi.
ii  olvwm   OpenLook virtual window manager
ii  olwm            3.2p1.4-5      Open Look Window Manager
ii  omniorb         2.5.0-5        An object request broker (ORB) implementatio
ii  passwd          980403-0.3     Change and administer password and group dat
ii  patch           2.5-2          Apply a diff file to an original
ii  pdksh           5.2.13-3       A public domain version of the Korn shell
ii  pdl             1.99988-5      The perl data language. Perl extensions for 
ii  pdmenu          1.2.37         Simple full screen menu program.
ii  perl            5.004.04-7     Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
ii  perl-base       5.004.04-7     The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-suid       5.004.04-7     Runs setuid Perl scripts.
ii  perl-tk         800.011-1      Perl module providing the Tk graphics librar
ii  perlmagick      1.34-3         A perl interface to the libMagick graphics r
ii  perlmenu        4.0-2          Menu and Template (curses-based) UI for Perl
ii  perlsgml        97.09.18-3     tools to build and analyze SGML document typ
ii  pkg-order       1.02           A Package dependency checker and install ord
ii  ppp             2.3.5-2        Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
ii  pppconfig       1.1            pppconfig is a text based utility for config
ii  printop         1.12-3         Graphical interface to the LPRng print syste
ii  procmail        3.10.7-7       Versatile e-mail processor.
ii  procmeter       2.4c-2         X based system status monitor, older version
ii  procps          1.2.9-3        The /proc file system utilities.
ii  proftpd         1.2.0pre1-2    Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
ii  psmisc          17-1           Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  publib-dev      0.28           C function library
ii  pwgen           1-11           Automatic Password generation
ii  quota           1.65-2.5       An implementation of the diskquota system.
ii  raidtools       0.42-16        Utilities to support RAID disks
ii  rcs             5.7-11         The GNU Revision Control System
ii  recode          3.4.1-11       Character set conversion utility.
ii  rgrep           0.98.7-14      Recursive, highlighting grep program.
ii  rpm             2.5.1-6        Red Hat Package Manager
ii  rxvt            2.4.5-16       a VT102 emulator for the X window system
ii  sac             1.7-1          Login accounting
ii  samba-common    2.0.5a-1       Samba common files used by both the server a
ii  samba-doc       1.9.18p10-7    Samba documentation.
ii  sash            2.1-5          Stand-alone shell.
ii  scwm            0.8a-8.1       Scheme Configurable Window Manager
ii  sed             3.02-1         The GNU sed stream editor.
ii  setserial       2.14-3         Controls configuration of serial ports.
ii  sharutils       4.2-8          shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode
ii  shellutils      1.16-6.3       The GNU shell programming utilities.
ii  slang1          1.2.2-2        The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
ii  slang1-dev      1.2.2-2        The S-Lang programming library, development 
ii  slay            1.2-5          kills all of the user's processes
ii  slib            2c3-3          Portable Scheme library.
ii  smbclient       2.0.5a-1       A LanManager like simple client for Unix.
ii  smbfs           2.0.5a-1       Mount and umount commands for the smbfs (2.0
ii  sox             12.15-1        A universal sound sample translator.
ii  stat            1.2-1          wrapper for stat() call
ii  stow            1.3.2-11       Organiser for /usr/local/ hierarchy
ii  strace      A system call tracer.
ii  sudo            1.5.6p2-2      Provides limited super user privileges to sp
ii  suidmanager     0.23           Manage File Permissions
ii  super           3.11.7-1       Execute commands setuid root
ii  svgalibg1 SVGA display utilities
ii  swisswatch      0.6-5          The mother of all X Toolkit clocks.
ii  symlinks        1.2-0.1        scan/change symbolic links
ii  sysklogd        1.3-31         Kernel and system logging daemons
ii  syslinux        1.42-2         Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flopp
ii  sysnews         0.9-2          display system news
ii  sysutils        1.3.2          Miscellaneous small system utilities.
ii  sysvinit        2.76-3         System-V like init.
ii  tar             1.12-7         GNU tar
ii  tcl7.6          7.6p2-7        The Tool Command Language (TCL) v7.6 - Run-T
ii  tcl8.0          8.0.4-2        The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.0 - Run-T
ii  tcl8.0-dev      8.0.4-2        The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.0 - Devel
ii  tcpdump         3.4a6-3        A powerful tool for network monitoring and d
ii  tcsh            6.08.01-3      TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkel
ii  tcsh-i18n       6.08.01-3      TENEX C Shell message catalogs
ii  telnet          0.12-4         The telnet client.
ii  textutils       1.22-2.4       The GNU text file processing utilities.
ii  time            1.7-2          The GNU time command.
ic  timezones GNU C Library: Timezone data and utilities
ii  tix41       The Tix library for Tk, version 4.1 -- runti
ii  tk4.2           4.2p2-7        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.2 - Run-Ti
ii  tk8.0           8.0.4-2        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Run-Ti
ii  tk8.0-dev       8.0.4-2        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Develo
ii  tkcvs           6.0p6.1a3-3    A graphical front-end to CVS
ii  tkdesk          1.1-1          Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager
ii  tkdiff          3.0b8-1        A graphical "diff" utility.
ii  tkfont          1.1-3          A different xfontsel for displaying fonts.
ii  tkps            1.14           X-based process management tool similar to '
ii  tmpreaper       1.4.8          Cleans up files in directories based on thei
ii  tree            1.2-6          displays directory tree, in color
ii  update          1.3-2          daemon to periodically flush filesystem buff
ii  util-linux      2.9g-6         Miscellaneous system utilities.
ii  vim             5.3-13         Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
ii  vim-rt          5.3-12         Vi IMproved - runtime support files
ii  vtwm            5.4.4-3        Virtual Tab Window Manager
ii  wenglish        1.0-11         English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
ii  whiptail        0.25-3         Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  wm2             4-2            Small, unconfigurable window manager
ii  wmaker          0.20.3-5       Yet another window manager. This the next st
ii  wmaker-data     0.7-1          Several free icons for use with WindowMaker 
ii  wmload          0.9.2-4        A system load monitor designed for WindowMak
ii  wmmail          0.59-4         A mail notification program designed for Win
ii  www-search      1.007-1        Perl modules which provide an API to WWW sea
ii  xarclock        1.0-5          Extended xclock
ii  xaw3dg          1.3-6.3        Adds a cute 3d to X apps using the athena wi
ii  xbanner         1.31-14        Beautify your XDM login screen
ii  xbase-clients    miscellaneous X clients
ii  xcdroast        0.96e-3        X based CD-writer software
ii  xcolors         1.5-5          display all X11 color names and colors
ii  xcolorsel       1.1a-7         display colors and names in X
ii  xcontrib        3.3.2-3        XFree contributed clients.
ii  xdaliclock      2.11-2         Melting digital clock
ii  xdm       X display manager
ii  xemacs20-bin    20.4-13        Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs20-nomule 20.4-13        Editor and kitchen sink -- Non-mule binary
ii  xemacs20-suppor 20.4-13        Editor and kitchen sink -- architecture inde
ii  xf86setup    X server configuration tools
ii  xfishtank       2.2-14         turns your X root into an aquarium
ii  xfonts-75dpi    75 dpi fonts for X servers
ii  xfonts-base    standard fonts for X servers
ii  xfonts-pex    fonts for minimal PEX support in X servers
ii  xfonts-scalable    scalable fonts for X servers
ii  xfree86-common    X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
ii  xfs       X font server
ii  xlib6     shared libraries required by libc5 X clients
ii  xlib6g    shared libraries required by X clients
ii  xlib6g-dev    include files and libraries for X client dev
ii  xlockmore       4.12-4         Lock X11 display until password is entered.
ii  xmcpustate      3-4            Displays CPU/Swap/Memory/Network load
ii  xnetload        1.5.0-1        An Xload for network interfaces packet rates
ii  xodo            1.2-7          Odometer tracking the distance travelled by 
ii  xoj             1.01-5         O.J. Simpson emulator -- root window demo.
ii  xosview         1.6.1-4        X based system monitor
ii  xpm-bin         3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries - associated binaries
ii  xpm4g           3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) - runtime
ii  xpm4g-dev       3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) - development
ii  xproc           1.2.9-3        some tools to display process information on
ii  xscreensaver    2.34-1         Automatic screensaver for X
ii  xscreensaver-gl 2.34-1         GL(Mesa) screenhacks for xscreensaver
ii  xserver-common    files and utilities common to all X servers
ii  xserver-mach64    X server for ATI Mach64-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-s3    X server for S3 chipset-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-svga    X server for SVGA graphics cards
ii  xserver-vga16    X server for VGA graphics cards
ii  xsysinfo        1.6-3          Display some Linux kernel parameters in grap
ii  xterm     X terminal emulator
ii  xtoolwait       1.2-1          Allows to start X applications serially.
ii  xtrlock         2.0-5          Minimal X display lock program
ii  xtv             1.1-3          xtv grabs the screen of a remote display.
ii  xview-clients   3.2p1.4-5      XView client programs
ii  xviewg          3.2p1.4-5      XView shared libraries [libc6]
ii  xvt             2.1-8          X terminal-emulator similar to xterm, but sm
ii  xzoom           0.3-8          magnify part of X display, with fast updates
ii  zlib1g          1.1.3-2        compression library - runtime

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