OoO En ce début d'après-midi ensoleillé du lundi 10 mars 2003, vers
15:30, GOTO Masanori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> /proc/mounts reports :
>> neo:/home /home nfs rw,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,udp,lock,addr=neo

> Which machine did you upgrade?  NFS server?  NFS client?

NFS client.

> Was this problem still appeared after your system reboot?

Not tried yet, it is a bit difficult to reboot it. I can do it at the
end of the week. I will take you in touch about this.

> If you upgrade your nfs server, your nfs server and lock manager is
> kernel's ?; nfs-kernel-server is installed?

The server is kernel one, so with kernel server.

>> Kernel: Linux lucas 2.4.20-lucas.3 #1 Tue Feb 11 14:22:16 CET 2003 i686

> Is your kernel your original version?  Pure 2.4.20 without any
> patches?

The client is pure 2.4.20 without any patch, compiled from official
kernel source. The server is a 2.4.20 patched with Trond patches.
Make sure special cases are truly special.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plaugher)

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