On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 21:14, Major A wrote:
> After upgrading libc6 on an ARM-based handheld running "sarge" to
> "sid", all programs in modutils (lsmod, for instance), issue an error
> "lsmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented" and exit when run as
> root. When run as non-root, lsmod runs expected, the other commands
> (modprobe, insmod) fail with the QM_MODULES error message.

Argh!  It seems that the definition of __NR_query_module has been
removed from <asm/unistd.h> in kernel 2.6.  So, glibc is just providing
a stub for that function which simply returns ENOSYS.  The reason lsmod
works as non-root is that it falls back to parsing /proc/modules in that


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