At Mon, 09 Feb 2004 12:36:27 +0100,
Leonardo Boselli wrote:
> Rome , that bring in mind the town in georgia, and not Roma in Italia.
> Athens, same (there are ones even in WV and AL) rather than
> Athinai in Hellas, Moscow in Idaho rather than Moskva in Russia,
> Vienna in VA rathen than Wien in Österreich ....
> And this only for capitals ....
> Yes, you wrote europe, but looking for a town with an  unusual
> spelling, expecilly if there is another well known city whose spelling is
> correct is confusing. Why annoy people ?

OK, so what the point do you want to insist?  I think you want to use
internationalized "tzselect".  If so, use "tzsetup" in debian.  The
current debian glibc package has timezone select, but I think it
should be removed from this package, and replace all timezone
selection to tzsetup.  The reason for remaining tzselect and postinst
setting is that I don't still have much time to investigate it.

-- gotom

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