On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 12:48:52AM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:

> But the d-i issue is indeed worth mentioning, Romanian translators
> fully translated d-i first stage, and when the new locales package
> hit testing, continuing the installation of sarge might become
> troublesome for Romanian speaking people.
> If this happened with French locale, I would certainly be very
> disappointed.  Glibc maintainers, is there anything than can be done
> to help fixing this bug quickly?

Yup.  Petter point out the fix.  Hopefully we can get another upload going this
weekend with any other urgent bugs considered. 

(On the upside, you're a bit protected with French, in that I use that locale,
as you are if you speak Japanese.  There's just no real way to test them

Jeff Bailey

Ignorance was bliss.

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