On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:41:38AM -0800, Edward Buck wrote:

> If it's a frequently used feature, it wasn't available until sarge.
> Woody did not behave this way (I checked).


$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search hpcc.sztaki.hu lpds.sztaki.hu sztaki.hu
$ ping rs2.lvs
PING rs2.lvs.sztaki.hu ( 56 data bytes

It is definitely available in Woody. I'm using it regularly.

> Also, this "new" feature
> completely breaks software that doesn't expect this feature, since
> postfix, telnet and others are doing WAY more DNS queries than they
> should.  Depending on how many search domains are listed and how many
> caching nameservers are listed, in my case (2 search domains and 2
> nameservers) I count at least 4 unnecessary queries.  That's very bad.

Well, why do you have any search domains then? It is for human
convenience only, and a mail server usually does not have regular user
accounts so no need for such convenience features.

> Sure, I can do that with telnet interactively.  How do I tell postfix to
> do that without a patch?  I guess I could try setting the ndots option
> to postfix's environment but that seems like a bad hack.  The current
> behavior makes using the search lines impossible for busy servers,
> especially mail servers that do DNS queries for every piece of mail.
> Just imagine the excess DNS load on a server processing a million e-mail
> messages a day.  That's what I'm seeing.

For such setups I suggest running some local DNS-catching solution (nscd
or a local caching-only name server).


     MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
                Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
     Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems
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