Hello Pablo,
you are listed as contact person/author of the following locale(s):

az_AZ ber_DZ ber_MA fur_IT ha_NG ig_NG ik_CA iu_CA sc_IT ug_CN
vi_VN wa_BE yo_NG br_FR bs_BA cy_GB fil_PH hy_AM ku_TR mi_NZ
pap_AN tg_TJ tk_TM tl_PH tt_RU ur_PK uz_UZ uz_UZ@cyrillic yi_US

These locales come with a statement

% Distribution and use is free, also
% for commercial purposes.

Thus they do not allow modification; it is unclear, however, if this
statement was meant as a license.

Further the following locales only have a part of the above statement:
fy_DE li_BE li_NL nds_DE nds_NL

Finally, the following ones have no statement at all:
dz_BT iso14651_t1_common mt_MT sq_AL

As discussed in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=555168 these
locales could strictly speaking not be part of Debian which would be a great 
(Currently they are allowed pending investigation).

To properly resolve this, I would like to ask you the following question:

Would you be willing to relicense these locale(s) to a proper license, e.g.
(L)GPL v2 or higher or another free software license of your choice?

If you have any questions regarding this issue, do not hesitate to contact
me (via the reply-to address set).

Thanks for helping to resolve this!


P.S. I assumed that both adresses pooint to the same person, my
        appologies if I erred there.
      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/

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