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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

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Front Page

The 3 Things That Actually Matter When Evaluating a Gun
By: Dave Bahde
My recent blog ("Shooting Groups; the Big Lie") focused on how little value 
"shooting groups" has in judging practical accuracy of most firearms. It's 
mostly mythology designed for marketing and industry norms, and has become a 
standard for judging the “accuracy” of consumer firearms....

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Video: How Effective Are Broadhead-tipped Shotgun Shells?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
You've heard of the bullet-tipped arrow, but have you seen the broadhead-tipped 
shotgun round? No, it's not a joke. This round was designed as a "low kinetic 
energy hunting projectile" and purports to have less recoil, less noise, and 
the same effectiveness as a regular slug. How it works is...

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Florida Bear Eats 20 Pounds of Dog Chow, Falls into Food Coma in Backyard
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
What do you do if a massive black bear breaks into your garage, steals your dog 
food, and then takes a nap on your lawn? If you live next to a professional 
wildlife trapper, the answer should be obvious.

Bob Cross, a retired 72-year-old firefighter who now owns a critter removal 
service in Lake...

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Quiz: Can You Correctly Identify These Exotic Types of Ammo?
By: Daniel Xu
The basic science and technology behind ammunition has changed little in the 
past 100 years. After all, there is still gunpowder, a bullet, and a casing. As 
disappointing as it is to some, we've still got a ways to go before we get to 
anything fancy like directed energy weapons (or practical ones...

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Leucistic, Piebald, and Albino: What's the Difference?
By: Patrick Durkin
At first glance my eyes tried telling me a small gull was scouring the grass 
below our birdfeeders, but I couldn’t imagine what a gull would find worth 
eating out there so I moved toward the window for a better look.

The grayish-white bird was pigeon-sized, but I’ve never seen a pigeon at our...

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Australian Government Declares "War" on Feral Cats
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Australia's feral cat problem has gotten so bad that the government is now 
planning a cull of massive proportions. According to a five-year plan recently 
unveiled by environment minister Greg Hunt, the Department of the Environment 
is planning to cull at least 2 million cats by 2020.

Feral cats are...

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Video: Bouncing Mule Deer Loses Its Antlers
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Videos of deer shedding their antlers are pretty rare---probably because most 
hunters aren't out in the woods during the winter.

That means that the shedding process can leave a lot to the imagination. We've 
seen videos of bucks shaking their heads to shed antlers, and we have seen 
videos of bucks...

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Kansas Police Discover Massive 60-pound Carp in Drainage Ditch
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
When Jamie Schmidt, the animal control officer for the Olathe Police 
Department, received a call about a four-foot-long, dead carp in a drainage 
ditch, she thought it was a joke.

“I was in disbelief when he told me it was four feet,” Schmidt told the Kansas 
City Star. “I know how men like to...

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Video: Angler Captures Epic Battle Between Mink and Seagull
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
An angler fishing in Ontario's Stoney Lake decided to put down the rod and pick 
up the video camera after he spotted what appeared to be a mink attacking a 

Mink will occasionally target gulls for food, but not normally. Seagulls can be 
a little too large and powerful for most minks to handle,...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
North Carolina Bear Show 
Shawn and Keith are in North Carolina hunting giant black bears. There are 
quite a few monster bears in these woods; including one that is off limits
Pecan Crusted Walleye and Chicken Picatta 
Head to Kelleys Island in Ohio with Tim and Nicki as they explore the sights, 
and do a little fishing for dinner! Bringing back some walleye from their trip


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