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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Can a Near Miss from a .50 BMG Still Hurt You?
By: Daniel Xu
Regardless of your opinion on the .50 BMG, we can all agree that the round has 
a monstrous reputation. How many times have you heard that this titanic round 
could take off a limb, hit clean through tank armor, or kill you without even 
directly hitting you? With all the talk around it, this rifle cartridge...

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Officials: Pokemon GO May Lead to Increased Wildlife Encounters
By: Daniel Xu
Unless you've had your head in the sand for the last couple of days, you may 
have noticed a new type of "hunter" around town. Specifically, these hunters 
are younger, often travel in groups, and always have a smartphone in their 
hands. Sometimes they also don't seem to be too aware of their...

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Video: Pro Anglers Perform Amazing Feats of Accuracy
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Watching an elite-level bass fishing tournament on television can show you how 
well top anglers know how to catch fish, but it doesn’t give you a true sense 
of the mad skills these guys have to develop in order to get to the top.

Fortunately, this Facebook video showing 2016 Bassmaster Classic Champion...

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Northern Guns: 8 Canada-exclusive Firearms You Won't Find Stateside
By: Edward Osborne
Living as a firearms owner in the Great White North means having to deal with 
silly gun laws. It means having to apply for permits, registering some firearms 
and not others, and limiting some magazines and not others. It means that you 
can only shoot your handguns at a range, and that the guns your grandfather...

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Video: Smallmouth Bass Blitz on the Fly
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Mention fly fishing and the mind immediately conjures visions of making long, 
flawless casts to Wyoming cutthroats, Pennsylvania brown trout or big brookies 
in Labrador.

In this video posted on the Lake Country Angler Facebook page, however, noted 
fly fisherman Mickey Johnson illustrates that you...

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US Army Vet Saves Bald Eagle by Shooting the Fishing Line Keeping It Trapped
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
How good are your sharpshooting skills? Are you good enough to shoot a piece of 
fishing line 70 feet up in a tree, blowing in the wind, without hitting a young 
bald eagle attached to it? For most people, that would be a tall task, but for 
U.S. Army Veteran Jason Galvin, it was just Friday.


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OutdoorHub Videos 
Thrash to SuperRigs 
With an established plan of attack, each of our teams buckle down and get to 
work, making sure they
Pork and Puppies 
Maggie has had puppies! Visit with the new puppies and the rest of our animals 
as we check in on eve
Bowfishing with Cajun 
Bowfishing with my Cajun Bowfishing Brethren all over the south!!! And you get 
to meet my Bowfishing
Best Fishing Trip Ever - How to Fish Rainy Lake for Big Smallmouth Bass 
Scott & FLW Tournament Director, Bill Taylor, vs. FLW Vice President, Patterson 
Leeth, & Andy Young


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