On 2024-05-07 00:29, Simon Chopin wrote:
> As the one who reported the issue in the glibc upstream tracker, I'm now
> of the opinion it's not a glibc bug, but rather issues with the
> individual packages that are now FTBFS. As far as I know, this is either
> a parser pretending to be GCC without implementing all the GCC features
> (e.g. aspectc++), and/or a compiler targetting another platform while
> still using the system headers (e.g. rocm-hipamd).

The goal of the removal was able to progress with the migration of glibc
2.38 to testing to not block other packages for a long time. Anyway this
strategy does not work for glibc 2.39 (it causes a FTBFS of glibc), so
we have to solve the issues before being able to get glibc 2.39 to

Among the 4 failures, cxref already got fixed. For aspectc++ and cbmc, I
agree with you that the issues have to be fixed at the package level.
For rocm-hipamd, the maintainer claims this is a toolchain issue...

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurel...@aurel32.net                     http://aurel32.net

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