On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 11:05:28AM +0800, Maytham Alsudany wrote:
> > > └── golang-gitea-noerw-unidiff-comments
> > >     └── golang-github-seletskiy-tplutil
> > 
> You're right regarding that, I've disabled writer/, removing tplutil from
> d/control, and further patched the test[1]. gtea builds successfully, so I 
> think
> it's safe to remove writer.

Uploaded this one after some changes.

However it seems to me that you renamed gitea/tea into gtea.
I would suggest renaming it to gitea-tea or gitea-cli so as to make it clear
what the source package/binary does. From user pov I find it a little
unlikely to find "gtea" looking at the package names.


> Now that tplutil isn't needed anymore, could you please delete the Salsa repo?


> [1]: https://deb.li/kuf2


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