Shengjing Zhu <> writes:

> For safety, yes please upload to experimental, and people can try
> rebuilding their packages and test them.

I have uploaded grpc 1.59.0 to experimental, to allow build testing of
reverse dependencies.  Rekor needs grpc via in-toto via spiffe, and
looks like it may need newer than 1.59.0 so I've pushed 1.60.1 to git
but will wait with an upload until after the 1.59.0 builds have
stabilized in experimental.  At least 1.60.1 builds fine on Salsa:

It seems clear that grpc cannot go to unstable right now due to reverse
dependency build failures:

It isn't 100% certain that all those build failures are because of the
newer grpc: it could be that the other packages stopped building for
other reasons.  We can do a similar pipeline for 1.38.0 but it is
wasteful of resources unless somebody will look at logs and compare
them.  My focus is getting rekor into experimental, after that I can
return to getting grpc into unstable somehow.


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