Hi everyone,

(CC Praveen; we'd like your input please as you're the uploader)

On Sat, 2024-03-30 at 13:06 +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Nilesh Patra <nil...@debian.org> writes:
> > At this rate, we will end up pruning a bunch of stuff from Debian. I don't 
> > think it
> > is wise to remove a package just because of paranoia without fact-checking. 
> > I would
> > at least check with the upstream developer once. Just saying.

Yes, I've been a bit hesitant with this.

> I agree!  I think my initial review came out too strong.  I like an
> incremental approach - file this as an upstream wishlist bug to improve
> reproducing the included binary blobs.  And we could file a wishlist
> debian bug to analyze these binary blobs in case they turn out not to be
> reproducible from source...  I believe that is Debian policy for all
> packages in main anyway.  There is a lot of these pregenerated binary
> blobs in Debian that are assumed to be possible to re-create from source
> but rarely tested, as you say.

This sounds like a discussion more suited for debian-devel.

> > > > Dropping these files may mean we don't test as much of go-git that is
> > > > possible to test, but the alternative that we create a vector to inject
> > > > binaries with no source code into Debian seems worse.
> > > > 
> > > > Could you modify this package to drop any files that we cannot re-create
> > > > during the build?  Maybe the entire package becomes useless, if so, then
> > > > we should just remove it IMHO.
> > > 
> > > RM bug filed.
> > 
> > In such cases, you need to consult the uploader. Please never file RM bugs 
> > without taking
> > permission from uploader or maintainer (if it is an individual) of a 
> > package.
> > 
> > Do note that it has 2 reverse-depends, which need to be fixed before the 
> > removal happens, else
> > they start to FTBFS.
> > 
> > > $ reverse-depends golang-github-go-git-go-git-fixtures-dev -b
> > > Reverse-Build-Depends
> > > =====================
> > > * golang-github-go-git-go-git
> > > * golang-github-jesseduffield-go-git
> Yeah I don't see the urgency in completing the RM now; more review and
> discussion is better.

I admit I was a bit rushed with the RM bug. Honestly, I think these tarballs are
fine, because they can be decompressed to read their contents (unlike the xz
binary blobs). I don't see any major problem with having this testdata stored in
this format.

AFAICS the only way to exploit this is through one of three ways:
- A vulnerability in git
- A vulnerability in tar/gunzip
- A vulnerability in go-git or go-git-fixtures Go scripts
Git, tar, and gunzip is outside of the scope of this problem, and go-git and go-
git-fixtures source code is easily viewable. Additionally, the contents of these
test repos aren't being executed, they're only being used to test different
scenarios in Git.

I believe the best course of action for now it to upload go-git and go-git-
fixtures in their current state, and see what upstream thinks. If it is really
necessary, then maybe an RC bug can be filed against go-git-fixtures to get it
pulled from testing, and then the two go-git packages can be patched to follow
suit (but I don't think this is a good idea).

What are your thoughts?

Kind regards,

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