Hi Erik.

Erik Heil <ehe...@gmail.com> (14/05/2012):
> I just downloaded the recent Debian Alpha installer and software
> speech worked very well.

Great, thanks for sharing. I'm adding debian-boot@ to the loop since
that's the team responsible for the installer and I guess they'll also
be happy to read that.

> Note that I installed Debian within a virtual machine. When I rebooted
> the VM, and tried to install some packages (gnome-desktop-environment)
> to try out Gnome Shell, aptitude offerred to remove alsa and
> alsa-base. Apparently it did, because at the next reboot, I was left
> with no speech. This is not related to the installer, which worked
> very well. I would call this an RC bug. Hae anyone of you experienced
> this problem? Also, I wanted to let you know that their were
> alsa-related errors related to the PCM device, but didn't really
> affect anything, because I was able to get to the login prompt just
> fine. Their were also errors related to consolekit and the keymap.

I'm putting gnome people to the loop for the sound issues.


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