On Mon, 8 Apr 2013 19:17:09 -0300, Marcelo Santana
<marcgsant...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:


> >     Gnome-calculator (or gcalctool) is available in experimental,
> > 'apt-cache policy' can show you that:
> I know. I wanted to say after installing gnome-calculator 3.8 your icon
> doesn't appear among gnome applications although I can run it via
> terminal. Does it appear for you?

I've confirmed, it is a bug in gnome-calculator. It is needed to rename
to /usr/share/applications/gnome-calculator.desktop
to have calculator appearing again in gnome-shell.

Many thanks for all replies.

*PS: Don't need to send message with CC to me. I'm a subscriber from
this list.


Marcelo Santana (aka msantana) <marcgsant...@yahoo.com.br>
http://blog.msantana.eng.br | http://identi.ca/mgsantana
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