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2015-03-10 4:01 GMT+01:00 Paul Wise <>:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Bálint Réczey wrote:
>> I'm unable to reproduce the issue with a fully updated Jessie/Sid
>> system. I suspect this issue is not related to wireshark, but to
>> GNOME/window decorations.
>> I'm copying Debian GNOME Team, maybe they have seen similar problems
>> with other programs.
>> Please try to debug this further and if you find logs please attach
>> them because Wireshark starts fine on my system with titlebar and it
>> works normally.
> I'm able to reproduce this, here are the steps:
> Disconnect external monitor.
> Start and close wireshark.
> Reconnect external monitor.
> Start wireshark, it will appear on the primary display even if you
> have the mouse in the secondary display. Most other apps start on the
> display where the mouse is.
> Move the wireshark window to the secondary display and maximise it.
> Close wireshark.
> Start wireshark, it will appear on the secondary display without any titlebar.
> There are no logs about this as far as I can tell.
Thank you for the detailed steps I was able to reproduce the issue.
Wireshark tries to restore the last window locations and sizes upon
restart. It was
implemented to please Windows users AFAIK where window placement was less
logical with GTK2+. I plan looking into migrating a Wireshark on
Windows to GKT3+
and check if we can drop the window placement code upstream.

BTW I played with gedit to see how it honors --geometry under GNOME,
and for some values
it worked as expected, but when the set size was big or close to +0+0
they did not exactly take

I use awesome thus I would have never found this bug. :-)


> This doesn't happen with other GTK+3 apps like liferea.
> --
> bye,
> pabs

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