On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 02:30:53PM +0000, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
> Been playing with the Hurd to get accustomed and tried to use the apt
> offline guide to update packages.

What I'm doing is mount my Debian GNU/Hurd partition as /gnu and have
the attached file as /gnu/etc/apt/apt.conf.offline. Then, I cd into
/gnu/etc/apt and do 'apt-get -c apt.conf.offline install foo' or
'apt-cache search -c apt.conf.offline bar' etc.



Michael Banck
Debian Developer
   /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells
      the remote APT what architecture the Debian machine is */
   Architecture "hurd-i386";

   Get::Download-Only "true";

   /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from
      the /var/lib/dpkg default */
   State "/gnu/var/lib/apt";
   State::status "/gnu/var/lib/dpkg/status";

   // Binary caches will be stored locally
   Cache::archives "/gnu/var/cache/apt/archives/";
   Cache "/tmp/";

   // Location of the source list.
   Etc "/gnu/etc/apt/";

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