On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 04:29:22PM -0800, Mark Lundeberg wrote:
> I untarred gnu-19990104.tar.gz off of alpha.gnu.org, booted it up, and in
> the messages it complained about /dev/console not being a tty, and said
> it would create and use /tmp/console instead. I ls'd both files and the
> /tmp file was a device (0,0), but the /dev file was a blank regular file.
> All the other files in /dev were regular blanks. Is this normal? I
> untarred using -xzpv from linux.

Well, I made a mistake :( Please delete all files but MAKEDEV from /dev, and
run the ./native-install script. This will recreate the device files.
> Also:
>  -Pipes don't work, so I can't create the proper devices

This is also fixed by native-install. The line is

settrans -c /servers/socket/1 /hurd/pflocal

>  -I can't exit less, even with $TERM exported as mach

Hu? Exit is done by pressing "q", isn't it?


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