Hi ! Yesterday I read something on Kernel Cousin about getting the sources of hurd and gnumach. It says, that I have to checkout them via cvs. Is this the only way ? Wouldn't it be good to distribute snapshots via debian-packages which are located in the main/binary-hurd-i386/devel - directory of dists/sid ? It wold be much easier for newbies ( like me ) to find things. It's very hard to get into the Hurd, because you have to browse the whole web to get som info here some there. Sometimes you get info accidentally. It would be nice to build some kind of Info - Center ( webpage ) that contains nearly all info you need to get started. I think it would really be helpfull, because I imagine, that there are much more people who are interested in working on the Hurd, but it is just to exhausting to get to a starting - point. So, if we can bunch most activities and infos, there might be a growing community interrested in, or maybe developing on the Hurd. Can someone tell me how the Hurd - movement ( ? ;-) ) is organized ? Who is responsible for what ?
If you think I'm wrong, don't hesitate to boo me ;-) YenZi Mit freundlichem Gruss Jens Sander innominate AG - Sofware-Entwicklung -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] innominate AG networking people fon: +49.30.308806-20 fax: -77 web: http://innominate.de pgp: /pgp/js