Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > Don't use it. Run away when you see it :)
> > >
> > Oh - I have to purge the devscripts of my machine :-0.
> Please explain why you think so.
> > ~$ fgrep -- --print-arch /usr/lib/dpkg/
> >       $arch=`dpkg --print-architecture`;
> >       $? && &subprocerr("dpkg --print-architecture");
> You are dropping the context:
[backward compatiblity issue]


> You can put it online and post a link here if you want.
I'll put them online soon, but I'll have to figure out where/if I have
enough space.

> > I'm gonna take the gcc beast later tonight. As it looked yesterday,
> > the diffs will be small.
> Please note that the comment made on this list is correct: I think you can
> have objc but not libgc (there is a special option for it).
Yeah, there is even an rule in debian/rules.defs disabling it for
some archs. I will try to build gcc natively later, right now I am
trying to build a cross-compiler.

BTW: It would be really handy to have the cross-compiler as a debian

Thanks, Andi
Andreas Rottmann     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL 
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