I got a RedHat Linux 6.2 box.
I've downloaded a tarball with basic HURD programms,
made: mke2fs -o /dev/hda1
extracted tarball there.
Everything was fine, intil I rebooted.

I was rebooting with GRUB-floppy:

grub>root (hd0,0)

Ext2 filesystem blah-blah-blah... well.

grub>kernel =/b
                        #here i pushed Tab, i though, that tab-completion
will show me available directories....
                        #...and it showed me directories, but their names
where corrupted with additional ASCI-symbols (>127).

I'm very sorry for asking you questions about GRUB, not HURD, but I've
searched through all GRUB and HURD-sites, search-engines and found nothing
describing this problem.


Timofey Korolyov
Progressive Technologies Group

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