On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 01:00:22PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> I have implemented color and other attributes  for the GNU Mach console,
> so if people are really dying to see colors on the Hurd, I am willing
> to make the patch available. I could even include it in the Debian
> binary.

Please, make the patch available, or even better, include that in the
Debian binary. This could help me testing some of the programs I have
developed under The HURD, cos if I don't have color, I can't use them
in the right way...

> However, it is definitely not the right thing to do, so don't spend any
> time on it. Instead, people should focus on colortext by Kalle, which
> has color support and much more, and is a user space server, and the way
> to go.

I've tried colortext, but some programs seems not to work trought
it. For example, mutt fails, ncurses programs too, and the 'ls
--color' also fails... It takes the \n but doesn't do the \r.


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