hi, I installed Hurd using Matthew Vernon's easy guide. I would not have been able to install Hurd if not for the easy guide. I liked it and found the information readable and understandable.
Neal, your new installation guide is also nice and mentions a few things that would be useful for a little advanced users. I think both of your guide's need to have links to http://angg.twu.net/a/the_hurd_links.html or to http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-hurd-0008/msg00229.html and also to http://hurddocs.sourceforge.net/ Thanks a lot for the effort in writing both guides. regards, prabhu >>>>> "Neal" == Neal H Walfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Neal> Hi All, I have developed a new install guide as the easy Neal> guide has become quite out of date. This one was written in Neal> the texinfo format so it is also a bit more portable. Neal> I really want feedback, so do not be shy. Neal> http://www.walfield.org/papers/hurd-installation-guide/ Neal> Thanks and best regards, -Neal