Hello all,

I'm trying to compile Epic (partly because I think that GNU/Hurd would
benefict from having an IRC client, and I'm partial to Epic - instead
of BitchX, for example, altough I would really like to have a non-X
IRC client that was GPLed).
Two issues arised:

1: The MAXPATHLEN/PATHMAX issue; I would really like if you guys could
give me further issue on this one (begining in what the hell does it
defines... I have some guesses, but...); by context I see that it is
used to allocate mem trough malloc and friends, based on some system
specific value. What's the best way to handle this one? I have been
substituting it with some value (30 for tree, used 4000 for epic based
on info given in this list).

2: It compiles, but when run it gives a general protection error
(wind_index = -1 I think); this one I really can't understand, altough
I will try to look at the source to see what does it refer to.

Any general advice for compiling issues would be appreciated (BTW I'm
doing a native Hurd compile).

Best Regards,

Frederico Muņoz

Frederico S. Muņoz              GNU     http://www.gnu.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Debian  http://www.debian.org
http://sdf.lonestar.org - SDF Public Access Unix Systems

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