Steve Bowman schrieb folgendes am Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 11:00:41PM -0700:
> > I realize that is the only way that I can do it. I just didn't want to
> > hassle with looking through the folders on the debian site. I guess I'll 
> > have
> > to live with it.
> Maybe there's a way to tell apt to use a different cache/admindir etc.,
> a different arch, and just do download only.  I know there's a way to use
> a different admindir since boot-floppies uses it and I know you can tell
> it to download only.  So the question is, can you tell it, from linux,
> to use hurd-i386 arch when looking at the mirrors?  Maybe you can ask
> on one of the other lists (I'm sure Joey could tell you).

You need something like,

/var/local/apt-hurd $ cat apt.conf 
   /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells
      the remote APT what architecture the Debian machine is */
   Architecture "hurd-i386";

   Get::Download-Only "true";

   /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from
      the /var/lib/dpkg default */
   State "/var/local/apt-hurd/";
   State::status "status";
   State::avaiable "available";
   State::lists "/var/local/apt-hurd/lists/";
   Aptitude::State "/var/local/apt-hurd";

   // Binary caches will be stored localy
   Cache "/var/local/apt-hurd/";
   Cache::archives "/var/local/apt-hurd/archives/";

   // Location of the source list.
   Etc "/var/local/apt-hurd/";

Last time I tried this it doesn't work but apt has improved. I think the 
Problem was
dselect. But now you can use aptitude or capt - I haven't tried this yet.



Good luck,
Stefan Karrmann

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