On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, thomas poindessous wrote:

> I use XFS and it doesn't work until I installed xfonts-base. But maybe I
> didn't set the right thing.
> I copy my linux XF86Config file and it doesn't worked because of
> FontPath   "unix/:-1"
> If I comment that line and I launch XFS, XFree launches.

Sorry, I meant over a network (ie FontPath "tcp/...".)  Obviously, the
xfs server is going to need xfonts-base.  For the xfs client machine to
need it installed would be a waste.

Bob (aka Bbo :)

Bob Ham:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://pkl.net/~node/
IRC: 'node' on irc.openprojects.net: #slashdot  ICQ: 4396425 'node'

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