Hurd-F1 CDs should be out of the door once the exim problem is sorted out,
so I am wanting to float a few ideas about future CDs.

I am trying to produce installation CDs without interfering with the
overall development process.  This has the effect of reducing the pressure
to produce an official release of the Hurd.  However, people may want such
an official release sometime.  Any comments?  IMHO this is not needed or
desirable at this stage, but in 12 months, two years?

Life would be easier for everyone if a move could be made from dselect to
apt-cdrom for CD installations.  There are three factors involved.

apt-cdrom.  I have had a quick look at this and I have not got it to work. 
It may just need a configuration file, if this is the case a sample should
be included in the package.  Has anyone got apt-cdrom working for the
Hurd?  If so would they contact me. 

task-* packages.  My dealings with the Hurd sub-set suggest that, at this
stage at least, the Hurd should have its own task packages (hurd-task??).
The dependencies of task packages can be constructed to require a specific
version of a package.  At a guess about 10 - 20 such packages would be
required.  These task packages would make the installation of the Hurd
simpler for people using a network or CD.  It would also make life easier
for me as the CDs would be built by meeting the dependencies of these task
packages.  Task packages are easy to build, even I can do it.  However, I
am not going to take this on as I need to draw boundaries somewhere ;). 
The maintenance of these packages would be an ideal place for three or
four people new to the Hurd to find their feet as developers.

tasksel.  Nice, useful and I would like it.  Apt-get task-* will do the
same job.

Comments, suggestions, discussion, flames?


  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Dunedin, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
Mobile 025 267 9420.  I sell GNU/Linux CDs.   See
     [EMAIL PROTECTED] - prefered.           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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