On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 08:10:24AM -0400, Charles Voelger wrote:

> I had a terrible time finding the hurd pages on debian.  It wasnt too
> difficult but shouldnt we push to have the site designed in such a way
> that it doesnt have to be searched for.  I dont want to pretend that The
> Hurd is gonna atract the attention of Linux bt shouldnt they promote all
> the various ports to give them some exposure ?

I think the problem is that we are considered a 'port' of Debian.
Because of this you need to look in the same place you would look if,
say, you wanted to run Debian on your old Mac Classic.

The problem is made worse because we're an unreleased architecture.  I
have trouble justifying pushing for more visibility when I don't even
run the Hurd fulltime.

Soon, though...  Soon. =)

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