> > > Seriously, I do think that to make Hurd more popular and more widely used
> > > we need to move away from the .deb way only as fast as possible.
> > 
> > What Farid said: nobody stops anybody from doing things differently.
> Nope, and if I learn how to do it, I might try.
> > > The most popular Linux systems out there is still rpm based, and to
> > > attract more developers to Hurd I think we need a distro based on
> > > something else than .deb, but I think that this might not be the
> > > best place to discuss it.
> > 
> > I for one, would be interested in how deb/dpkg does not work for you.
> > I think pointing out these problems is still apporpriate for a Debian
> > list, as these could be genuine bugs in dpkg (i.e. we could make it
> > better), things that Debian GNU/Hurd does wrong, or simply
> > misunderstandings! Of course, the details of implementing a "ports" or
> > "rpm" or whatever-based Hurd distributions are not really apporpriate
> > here.
> No, I don't think there are anything "wrong" with dpkg, but I have a hard
> time getting used to it. Since I know think might not be the best forum
> (are there another at all?) I asked for any sources of information to be
> mailed to me, thus not cluttering up this list.
> > BTW, your popularity argument has a serious flaw: the most common way
> > to distribute software is not "rpm", but "zip"/"exe".
> I think you are right. What I should have said was "in the 'Open Source'
> movement, probably the most popular packaging system is rpm's. In order to
> infiltrate the minds of all those Linux fans, wouldn't a Hurd distro based
> on rpm be a nice idea for getting more of those people involved? Please
> mail me any thought about this, I'd like to find out how to do it."
> I have a hard time writing what I mean sometimes.
> /andreas

I am rather new to the list but, if you are thinking of new ways to 
package and distribute a shiny new Hurd system I have a suggestion.
I used to use FreeBSD and I absolutely loved the ports collection!  
You simply change to the directory of the program you want and type 
make install.  It fetches the source, builds it and installs it.  It 
was by far the easiest system to maintain ever.  I think the
Hurd could benefit a great deal from a system much like the BSD ports


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