Tristan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have just installed Debian GNU/Hurd for the first time using the
> F2 cds, and have managed to install most of the packages i need. But
> since I use a dialup internet connection and ppp is not ready for
> use (and i assume it won't be ready for quite a while?) is there a
> way for me to upgrade packages from linux ?

There's an APT Offline Howto (included in the Debian package...),
which explains how to upgrade a system via APT, which itself doesn't
have internet access. That means, you let APT on your GNU/Linux system
fetch all the packages your GNU/Hurd system needs onto a shared
store. Then you can install them from GNU/Hurd providing that store as
an APT cache.

Moritz Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian/GNU supporter -
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