You're right on track. I started using Debian in 1993 ( v 0.9something )

Lets see, I'm 34 now...

34 - ( 2001-1993 ) =  26

Well, I guess you have a six year lead on me. By the time you are 34
you will be a stupendous Debian wizard if you keep at it!   :-)

- Doug

James Morrison wrote:

 Occationally hearing ages of people on irc or finding on webpages
I'm wondering what the average age of GNU/Hurd users and developers

Well, I'll start and even put useless information in:

James Morrison, 20, It's my birthday today ;)
               Kingston, Ontario, I will be a debian developers someday.

James Morrison
  University of Waterloo
  Computer Science - Digital Hardware
  2A co-op

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