
The Internet Business Revolution has started!

Get in on the ground floor today!

Referralware is looking for ambitious individuals to 
Beta-Test their Remarkable Internet Marking System.

<a href="http://www.specialopportunity.cjb.net";>AOL Link</a>

If you can copy-and-paste on your computer and you 
have ten hours a week, you can earn $100,000 A YEAR
 in Internet Marketing.

But you don't want pie-in-the-sky dreaming.  
You want results NOW.

<a href="http://www.specialopportunity.cjb.net";>AOL Link</a>

With Referralware, your success is GUARANTEED.  
We put it in writing:

You will make TEN TIMES your initial investment within
TWO MONTHS or you get your money back.

Simple as that.  No questions asked.  

<a href="http://www.specialopportunity.cjb.net";>AOL Link</a>Link</a>

This is truly a NO RISK offer.  If it doesn't work for you,
you're out NOTHING.  If it DOES work for you..

Let your imagination run wild.  
Can you afford NOT to give it a try?

Click here to see how real your dreams can be!

I will give you my personal plan, with step by step
instruction to make this the best opportunity of 
your life!!

<a href="http://www.specialopportunity.cjb.netAOL Link</a>

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