On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 07:16:30PM +0100, Johannes Weißl wrote:
> Is this a debian-hurd mailinglist or a spam-container?
> Why are there so many spam-posts?

Because there are so many spammers.

And there are so many posts about spam because there are so many people that
discuss spam on mailing lists.

Please read a couple of dozen of the hundreds of mails discussing spam on
Debian mailing lists, mailing lists, usenet or mail boxes.

The main reason we can not filter out all spam is so that people can post
without being subscribed.  I think this is a great feature, which I have
often used.  I would rather ignore a dozen useless mails than to miss the
one mail that helps me with a problem I have.  (And I have simply dropped a
bug fix or tip if I found out that there is no place for me to send it
without subscribing to a list or registering on a web page).


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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