In reference to compiling oskit / oskit-mach

Should I perhaps use gcc-3.0 ?? Disable optimization ?

i.e.  $  export CC=gcc-3.0

I did in fact build oskit-mach ( "kernel-ide" )
with gcc-3.0 but it didn't behave any differently
than the one compiled with gcc 2.95.4

I'm not sure how to proceed, so I'll just wait
until you guys get a chance to look over that
debugging info on the original post of this thread.

Also, I think if I just run the kernel, it will go
somewhat beyond where it crashes on the
debugging log before it reboots. Maybe that
has something to do with pipelined instructions?
I'll see if I can trace that as well.

Also, how/can I view the registers on the 2nd cpu
using gdb?

- Doug

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