The reason I'm asking is I've been setting up a
Netwinder (Intel StrongARM) all weekend, and
was thinking about compiling gnumach for it
and see if it does anything.

Except, Netwinder's nettrom seems only able
to boot a linux kernel. No multiboot capability
that I am aware of.

If grub could be made into a minikernel then
it could be flashed into the Netwinder's
nvram, or just booted off the hard disk.

Would it be possible to compile grub linked
with OSKit somehow to produce a grub kernel?
For instance linux has a "grub-shell"...

Any thoughts on this?

BTW- Success on making an arm -> x86 cross debugger on Netwinder. It is a much nicer and faster debugger box than hp9000. I'll be getting a little web server online soon and be able to better host some Hurd related stuff!

- Doug

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