On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 04:18:19PM +0200, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
> * Jeroen Dekkers writes:
> > Oh, now I understand everything. As I've always says, GNU/Hurd system
> > is different. The community isn't fragmented like the GNU/Linux
> > community and I don't see a need for 275 distribution of GNU/Hurd. I
> > actually want to make an universal GNU system which can be used by
> > everybody.
> > If somebody would have explained me this earlier I probably would have
> > unsubscribed from debian-devel immediately. I actually want to make a
> > very good GNU system, I think a lot of things are wrong in GNU/Linux
> > and I don't want them in the GNU system. If Debian really wants to
> > have all those Linux things in Debian GNU/Hurd *I* don't have any hope
> > for it ever becoming the official GNU system.
> And how do you think that this helps in not having 275 distributions
> of GNU/Hurd?  What you are doing is exactly what you don't want to do,
> that is, to fragment the whole community. Now instead of having one
> GNU/Hurd system we will have two.

I tried for some months to get some sane discussion on debian-devel
about the Hurd port etc but all attempts failed. It's not that I hate
Debian and I will probably go through the NM process when it has the
things I need to get work done.

Jeroen Dekkers
GNU supporter - http://www.gnu.org

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