On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 11:28:07AM -0500, Tom Hart wrote:
> Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
>>On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 05:28:12PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:

>>> Well i think we can reach something much more secure than the "all
>>> or nothing" unix traditional approach, too.

>>> Let's say i want to set a public console for html browsing; on the
>>> GNU system the browser could be set as the only application the
>>> guest user can execute.

>>> But to get it really flexible this would need a large permission
>>> table, though, where each file has a permission set for owner,
>>> each user and each group. I don't know if this is scalable.

>> Isn't that (functionally) the idea behind ACL's, while they tend to
>> be implemented as just that: lists, and not a big table?

> ACL's (Access Control Lists, for those who haven't heard the term 
> before), are, theoretically, a superior form of security for an OS, 
> since they allow the administrator to have more fine-grained control 
> over access to the system.

Not only the administrator: The user, too, on his files. At school,
when I'm working on a project with N other students, I appreciate that
the system permits me to ask that only these N other students (and I)
are permitted to modify the files.

> I assume that the Hurd is sticking with the traditional UN*X model
> because most sysadmins who are used to UNIX will find this easier to
> work with.

Hmm... The Hurd clearly departs from the UNIX way where it can do
better, in a way that permits it to show an unixy interface to unix
programs. I don't think this is the reason. Maybe someone that was
around back then when those decisions were made can give some insight?

> Furthermore, switching to an ACL-based model would probably break
> compatibility with traditional Unices, or at the very least, require
> a lot of work porting existing programs that depend on the UN*X
> security model.

Some systems / programs, like Samba and Solaris, already have to map
an ACL model into the Unix model, and vice-versa. As far as I know,
they don't fare that bad in doing it.

More importantly, I don't see many programs that rely on the Unix
security model. What interactions does a typical program have with the
security model:

 The user requests some action (e.g. open a file). It fails, because
 it is not authorised. Report it to the user. What does an ACL-based
 system change there? The program doesn't care why exactly the action
 is not authorised.

 Programs like su, sudo, et al: They don't care either: They just want
 to change permissions to the ones of another user. They do various
 setuid-family calls, no direct interaction with the security model,
 except that it is multi-user (it has a notion of different users).

 apache serves a page only if the r bit of the o set is set. Given a
 decent mapping from the ACL system to the unix system, this still
 works: The ACL system surely has a notion of "permissions to any
 (authenticated) user".

 The programs that actually manipulate the permissions: chmod,
 etc. They have to be rewritten, or new tools written. Worse, this
 class includes file managers, who have to be adapted.

 Programs that used to *show* permissions, like ls. As the space to
 show the permissions given in an ACL system is not bounded (at least
 not by a reasonable bound), I don't think ls should show the whole
 ACL, only an "abstract" of it. And the mapping into Unix permission
 bits is a good candidate. Obviously, you need *another* program that
 shows the whole ACL.


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