On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 07:15:06 -0500
Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 01:26:40PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 10:44:26PM +1200, Philip Charles wrote:
> > > 2.  There is no g++-3.2 - which means that g++ is excluded.
> > 
> > Strange enough, because it is part of the gcc build.
> i installed from the tarball at alpha.gnu.org and also had trouble
> installing g++-3.2. looking further, i found that it is because
> libstdc++5-dev is uninstallable, and g++-3.2 depends on it. it is
> uninstallable because it depends on libc6-dev not libc0.3-dev.
> but the hurd version (3.2-0pre3) is older than all other arches versions
> (3.2.1-0pre2). the newer versions fix the bug with the hurd though,
> according to the changelog.

I tried to compile the latest gcc package, there is a build dependency on
doxygen, its a real PITA because doxygen needs packages such as
perl-5.8.0, libqt, libgnome, gs libgimpprint and dozens of other packages
that dont have packages. Lots of those unbuilt packages depend on
libstdc++[345]-dev which makes it interesting.

I suggest if anyone tries to build gcc they either compile and install
doxygen from scratch and not build the (what i assume to be) unneeded gui
parts, or try and build all the gcc binary packages without building the


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