Title: Erica Webb

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Only 10 days til Christmas! I am so excited... I am betting you are too!
I went to a great Christmas party the other day. We all ate, and drank. Some really good wine I had there, it was great getting together with all my friends, and making new ones : )

I sure hope you get what you asked Santa for this year! Me I did the traditional thing and went and sat on Santa's lap! I think he was thrilled to have me on his lap. Wouldn't you be ??? Anyway, I smiled at him and leaned over close to whisper in his ear what I wanted... If I am not mistaken, I think I gave Santa a bit of a hard on! I know he took a break after I left!

Well there is a cute movie on TV, so I am going to say good bye for now, and I will see you this time next week Ok sweetie!

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