On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Budi Rahardjo wrote:

> Even ssh/ssl had problems, but that doesn't stop people from
> using it *right now*. ie. not waiting until it is really ... really ...
> realy ... really (well, you get the point) secure.
> Just give a warning that current ssh implementation is not that secure.
> Ok. If you guys don't want to include ssh in the package,
> at least give a pointer how to do it. (Even not so secure.)
> Now, what's current best practice? We use this:
>    http://kilobug.free.fr/hurd/random-64.tar.gz
> Is there a better alternative(s)?

The warning displayed at the end of total.sh

echo "A file needs to be copied to /dev/urandom before ssh will configure"
echo "then run <dpkg --configure -a>. Security will be poor unless the file"
echo "consists of random material."


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