> Been there, Okuji didn't want to update the entry since "we
   > haven't made a realse and that the current release (0.2) uses the
   > serverboot method"; search the bug-grub archives for the
   > particular thread.  I think that the Debian package already uses
   > the new boot method in the example files.

   Isn't 0.3 official?


   Isn't this a good reason to release?

Nope.  Since we would release a version of the Hurd that is unstable
(ext2fs foobars file-systems, ftpfs/nfs are buggy like mad, no PPP
support, etc).  Making a release because "people think that the Hurd
isn't in development" is a bad reason, they can take a peek at the CVS
to see if any development is going on.

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