Hi Nicolas.
I also dislike the effect ESR has had on our community but
spitting ourselves into fighting groups is just was M$ would
like to see.

ESR is our misguided friend.  He has contributed a lot
to GNU Emacs, I'm sure I use some of his code everyday.
In this way, he is a contributor to the GNU movement.

His stated intention for OpenSource was
that it would be a marketing division to Free Software, he
was hoping it would pull us onto the radar screens of
business users.  I believe he is confused and inneffective.

Being a member of the NRA is not a topic for this list or
for Free Software.  His political beliefs are also irrelevant,
just like his race and religon.

When I read the post recommending his book I was going to
reply but I couldn't think of a better alternative, maybe
I should try to write one.

I don't listen to ESR, I don't advocate the reading of his
books, or the use of the term OpenSource, but lets not
split so deeply.  Many good pieces of Free Software have
been written under the title of OpenSource, I think we
should put effort into educating the new members of our
community rather than pushing them away.

Ciaran O'Riordan

P.S. read:

Nicolas said:
> I find it strange :
> i thought that "debian-hurd" was a GNU - / free software - list.
> Eric raymond is close to the nra (national rifle association), is
> politically a capitalist libertarian, and fight for open source, against
> free software. He is against the use of the "free" word, and want to
> transform linux into a capitalist-tool for a high market performance.
> For me, he does not have anything to do with the GNU movement.
> Am I wrong ?
> I'm sorry for my *bad* english, but i find this question quite
> important,
> specially at this time, when linus torvald say "ok" to the tcpa/palladium
> consortium,
> so try to understand what i mean, please :)
> nicolas.

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