
Sorry, still no real news, but...

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 03:04:34AM +0200, Marc Dequ??nes wrote:
> Marc Dequ??nes (Duck) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Thomas, anything decided yet ? Do you need an hosting place ? If so,
> > DuckCorp could help in this area.

I will get back to that in case it's needed.

> > > [hurd.gnufans.org]
> >
> > Arf, this domain name is nice. I could sponsor the fee if needed.

I have no particular feeling about keping or dropping that domain name.

> Anything new ? Anything decided ?

Thoughts are going into the direction of having a general GNU wiki.  But
I need more time to think about that, evaluate a lot of different issues,
set up a testing environment, etc.

Can we continue to use the existing wiki until then?


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