Hi Dai and NOKUBI,

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:11 PM, <d...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Zhang,
> Which keys do you use to on/off conversion?
> If you use Shift+Space keys, uim-fep does not support Shift+Space keys.
> Please see below:
> uim-fep does not start to convert KANJI in default settings.
 The same for py input method.
 I use  uim-pref-gtk to make start to convert by default, so I don't dig
the Shift+Space keys problem more before

Would you show me .uim.d/customs/custom-global-keys1.scm settings?
> Default setting maybe below (or nothing this file).
> % grep generic-o .uim.d/customs/custom-global-keys1.scm
> (define generic-on-key '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift> "))
> (define generic-on-key? (make-key-predicate '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift>
> ")))
> (define generic-off-key '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift> "))
> (define generic-off-key? (make-key-predicate '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift>
> ")))
> %
 The same with you.

> I cannot on/off conversion with Shift+Space.
> Then, I added "<Control> " (Control+Space) for another on/off conversion
> keys.
> % grep generic-o .uim.d/customs/custom-global-keys1.scm
> (define generic-on-key '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift> " "<Control> "))
> (define generic-on-key? (make-key-predicate '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift> "
> "<Control> ")))
> (define generic-off-key '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift> " "<Control> "))
> (define generic-off-key? (make-key-predicate '("zenkaku-hankaku" "<Shift>
> " "<Control> ")))
> %
> So I can on/off conversion with Control+Space.
  It works for py input method too, it's great:)

% uim-fep -u py
> py[IM-]
> (type Control+Space)
> % uim-fep -u py
> py[IMO]
> (type nihao)
> % 你好

 I get this, too. Thank you:)

So, at least the py input method works well in uim-fep for debian 7.

My addition question:
1.  What's the difference between generic-on-key and generic-on-key? stuff?
what's the detail meaning of this two?

2.  If I use uim-fep -S with screen ( config the backtick for screen first,
https://code.google.com/p/uim/wiki/UimFep), it start convert automate (why?
) and  exit immediately after one char input.

3.  uim-fep does not work in hurd console, this maybe TERM related problem,
I need debug it another day.

Cong Zhang

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